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#“2021中国企业500强”和“2021中国民营企业500强”榜单发布| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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State Grid Corporation of China topped the list of top 500 Chinese enterprises for 2021, followed by the China National Petroleum Corporation and the China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation.国家电网位列2021中国企业500强榜单首位,中国石油和中国石化分列二、三位。


The number of companies whose revenues exceeded 100 billion yuan rose to 222, with eight of them reporting revenues of over 1 trillion yuan.榜单显示,年营业收入超过千亿元的企业数量增至222家,其中有8家企业营收超过万亿元。

The revenue threshold of the top 500 Chinese enterprises increased by 3.28 billion yuan from a year ago to 39.24 billion yuan, the data showed.



Threshold本意指“门槛”,后来引申为“起点、开端、临界点”等意思,比如: a high threshold for pain(痛点很高),the threshold of a new age(新时代的开端),individual income tax threshold(个税起征点)等。

Combined operating revenues of the top 500 companies reached 89.83 trillion yuan in 2020, up 4.43 percent compared to that in the previous year, according to the list.榜单数据显示,中国企业500强的营业收入总额为89.83万亿元,比上年增长4.43%。

The firms raked in 4.07 trillion yuan in total profits, up 4.59 percent compared to that of the companies on the 2020 list.



Rake本意指“耙子,耙状工具”等可以用来把地面上的树叶等轻轻拢到一起的工具,用作动词的时候就表示“拢到一起”这个动作,比如:rake leaves into a pile(把叶子拢成一堆)。Rake in是一个常用的固定搭配,表示make a lot of money,除了上文中出现的rake in+金额以外,也可以说rake in a fortune(暴富)。


The average R&D spending of the top 500 firms came in at 2.94 billion yuan, up 17.95 percent. The ratio of their R&D expenditure to operating revenues hit a new high of 1.77 percent. 2021中国企业500强平均研发投入为29.4亿元,增加17.95%;研发投入与营业收入之比达1.77%,创历史新高。



Huawei, JD.com and Hengli Group are the top three enterprises on the list of China's top 500 private firms for 2021. The annual revenue of each of the top five private enterprises on the list exceeded 600 billion yuan.华为、京东以及恒力占据2021中国民营企业500强榜单前三位。榜单前五位的民企年收入均超过6000亿元。


In 2020, the total revenue of the top 500 private enterprises was 35.12 trillion yuan, up 16.39 percent from a year ago. They paid a total tax of 1.36 trillion yuan, accounting for 8.84 percent of the national total.2020年,民营企业500强营业收入总额达35.12万亿元,比上年增长16.39%;纳税总额1.36万亿元,占全国税收总额的8.84%。

The total number of employees of the top 500 private enterprises came in at 11.09 million, up 6.26 percent, accounting for 1.48 percent of the total number of employed people in China.



非公有制经济 non-public sector of the economy

亲清新型政商关系cordial and clean relationship between government and business

区域协调发展coordinated development across regions

市场准入负面清单制度a negative list for market access

稳中求进工作总基调the underlying principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability

使市场在资源配置中起决定性作用,更好发挥政府作用to let the market play the decisive role in allocating resources, let the government play its role better


(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)



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